Opinion: Contract Work & ‘Minorities’

The following simply needs to be said and the reader can take this with a grain of salt:

Most contract attorneys’ general self esteem is so low due to a feeling of powerless or incompetence that they focus on attackng (false accusations, name calling, other manners of one sided anatgonism) one another (who are usually complete strangers) for one more day or even a few hours more of hours of work to increase their unpredictable paychecks. This phenomenon is most pervasive among Black attorneys who know that they have been already been shut out of the mainstream workforce and solidifies mainstream America’s perception that most possess the inability to be professional, complete assignments that they are PAID to do, to speak in a normal tone in which they do not sound like childish bullies, nor do most embrace diversity.  It appears to be simple but these are insurmountable tasks for ghetto blacks who attain a JD and nothing else. No prepared goals or self development or expansion of their views including the world around them, resulting in tunnel vision and narrowminded mindset.  As a result the ‘gangsta’ and ‘b****y’ troublemaking attitudes exacerbates the problems that minorities have in this shrinking field. Of course not all Blacks in law or even legal contract work are like this. But most who are one will notice are contract attorneys, others who aren’t are unfortunately and oft-times swept up into the stereotype bin sourrounded by those with the ‘crabs in a barrel’ mentality. This is easily perceptible among Black women.  

With the given financial problems that law schools, law firms and law students and attorneys are facing, these inappropriate, narcicssitic and childish behaviors only make it easier to shut minorities who do not possess these characteristics out of the workforce regardless of ambition, talent or intelligence.

I do not dare assert that doing contract work will lead to a job–most attorneys who are not new law school graduates know this is false. The problem is that attorneys with deranged mentalities find joy in creating a hostile, disruptive work environment in an already degrading set of circumstances and I see it primarily among women. (Black, White and Asian) Perhaps this is why most people assume all contract attorneys are bipolar, schizophrenic or possess some other type of mental defect.

In other words, these types of people in the field make it harder for people of color who are generally normal and desire success and do not have plans to be in those types of environments for the long haul.

The only type of people who enjoy mischief and harming innocent strangers can simply be described as demonic. Another reason why no one cares what happens to attorneys.

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